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How to Use ZVM


Terminal window
zvm install <version>
# Or
zvm i <version>

Use install or i to download a specific version of Zig. To install the latest version, use “master”.

Terminal window
# Example
zvm i master

Install ZLS with ZVM

You can now install ZLS with your Zig download! To install ZLS with ZVM, simply pass the -D=zls flag with zvm i. For example:

Terminal window
zvm i -D=zls master

Switch between installed Zig versions

Terminal window
zvm use <version>

Use use to switch between versions of Zig.

Terminal window
# Example
zvm use master

List installed Zig versions

Terminal window
# Example
zvm ls

Use ls to list all installed version of Zig.

List all versions of Zig available

Terminal window
zvm ls --all

The --all flag will list the available verisons of Zig for download. Not the versions locally installed.

Uninstall a Zig version

Terminal window
# Example
zvm rm 0.10.0

Use uninstall or rm to remove an uninstalled version from your system.

Upgrade your ZVM installation

As of zvm v0.2.3 you can now upgrade your ZVM installation from, well, zvm. Just run:

Terminal window
zvm upgrade

The latest version of ZVM should install on your machine, regardless of where your binary lives (though if you have your binary in a privaledged folder, you may have to run this command with sudo).

Clean up build artifacts

Terminal window
# Example
zvm clean

Use clean to remove build artifacts (Good if you’re on Windows).

Version Map Source

Terminal window
zvm vmu <Version Map URL>

vmu default # Resets back to default Zig releases. vmu mach # Sets ZVM to pull from Mach nominated Zig.

## Print program help
zvm help
Terminal window
zvm --version

Prints the version of ZVM you have installed.

Color Toggle

Enable or disable colored ZVM output. No value toggles colors.


  • on
  • yes/y
  • enabled
  • true


  • off
  • no/n
  • disabled
  • false
Terminal window
--color # Toggle ANSI color printing on or off for ZVM's output, i.e. --color=true

Environment Variables

  • ZVM_DEBUG enables DEBUG logging for your executable. This is meant for contributors and developers.
  • ZVM_SET_CU Toggle the automatic upgrade checker. If you want to reenable the checker, just uset ZVM_SET_CU.
  • ZVM_PATH sets the install location for ZVM. Set the environment variable to the parent directory of where you’ve placed the .zvm directory.