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Installing ZVM

ZVM lives entirely in $HOME/.zvm on all platforms it supports. Inside of the directory, ZVM will download new ZIG versions and symlink whichever version you specify with zvm use to $HOME/.zvm/bin. You should add this folder to your path. After ZVM 0.2.3, ZVMs installer will now add ZVM to $HOME/.zvm/self. You should also add this directory as the environment variable ZVM_INSTALL. The installer should handle this for you automatically if you’re on *nix systems, but you’ll have to manually do this on Windows. You can then add ZVM_INSTALL to your path.

If you don’t want to use ZVM_INSTALL (like you already have ZVM in a place you like), then ZVM will update the exact executable you’ve called upgrade from.

Linux, BSD, MacOS, *nix

Terminal window
curl | bash



Terminal window
irm | iex

Command Prompt

Terminal window
powershell -c "irm | iex"

If You Have a Valid Version of Go Installed

Terminal window
go install -ldflags "-s -w"


Please grab the latest release.

Putting ZVM on your Path

ZVM requires a few directories to be on your $PATH. If you don’t know how to update your environment variables permanently on Windows, you can follow this guide. Once you’re in the appropriate menu, add or append to the following environment variables:


  • ZVM_INSTALL: C:\Users\%YOUR_USERNAME_HERE%\.zvm\bin\self


  • PATH: C:\Users\%YOUR_USERNAME_HERE%\.zvm\bin

Community Package


ZVM on the Arch AUR is a community-maintained package, and may be out of date.